Ya know sometimes I can be a little stubborn and which can be good and it can be bad. In this case, I keep asking myself what took me so long.  I’ve known my friend Lisa Katz since high school. She moved to Chicago, so I don’t get to see her or her family as much as I’d like, but social media helps us stay connected. Plus she somehow makes time for all of us when she’s in Tulsa.

I noticed a while ago she was posting about all these oils. She would even message me from time to time checking on me and explain how she thought the oils and products she was using could help me. Now, this wasn’t your typical Facebook message. You know the ones that are generic and copied and pasted then a name gets changed, so it looks the message is specific to you. LOL.  Those ‘hey friends’ let me try and sell you something messages. Lisa’s messages, like Lisa,  were genuine.  But for some reason, I just kept missing an opportunity.  Before we continue, let me explain a thing or two about Lisa.

Lisa has three handsome, beautiful, smart boys. They are each unique in there own way yet they are triplets. She is amazing with them. Lisa is also an advocate for all of them including her son with non-verbal autism. She says the oils have made a huge difference in all of their lives.   Now, let me back up here. I have so much respect for this woman who is a beautiful, warrior advocate for her family.

The Katz Family

What she does, as her norm, in the first hour of her day most of us would not know how to handle. From food and love to encouragement and breaking barriers to everything you can think of and more,  she quietly stands her ground, fiercely gathers information and courageously disseminates what she has learned not only to help her family but to help others. She understands knowledge, hope, and love equal power and she wants to share all that she has with you while learning from you too.  She has her own battles. She’s not perfect, and she shares that with others hoping to help all of us because she knows everyone faces something. I could talk about her a lot more but … that’s it for now. LOL. Anyway, for about a year she’d say to me or message me something. Finally, this year I said to myself why not try this stuff. I’d put a little money aside because I knew about what I wanted to spend. When Lisa came to town, Bam, I bought the starter kit.

Now hear me out, I work out anywhere from two -six times a week depending on my work schedule and health. It helps me detox my brain, but when I get home, I can get pretty sore. I’m not 18 ;). I can also have several projects going at once, just like everyone else, and then have trouble relaxing. Well. I discovered this thing Lisa discovered forever ago and … things have changed.

I simply use the oil I know works for me, turn on my diffuser set the light to the color I want, crawl in bed, and soon I’m cashed out. I use the oils on my pillow, in my bath and even in my drinking water: not always every day but a lot. My husband even likes them. I feel like I’ve found a natural way to help me remedy a few things that can sometimes plague me and bring me down in several different ways. So far, there is only one oil in my starter kid I don’t care for so much.

As for the rest well I’m kind of already wanting to order more and try more from Young Living Essential Oils. Lisa THANK YOU.

If you want to know more message Lisa here… I’m only about a month into these things, but I’m digging them so far!  They seem to help me with everything from seasonal changes outdoors to sleep to sore muscles even digestion. And no I’m not going to message you about this or try and sell this to you. It’s up to you what you want to try and don’t try. I’m just sharing because it’s already helping me and I like to share what I learn and learn from those who share. Oh, one last thing if you know you want to sign up click here and you’ll get connected with Lisa ASAP.