I posted recently on my LinkedIn about headshots. I know so many people at the C-suite level that need new headshots. If your picture on your company website doesn’t even remotely look like you, um yeah, it’s time for a redo. And I bet if you are tired of waiting on them to set something up, they’d be pleased with excellent results from any proactive steps to get your headshots up to date. I know they will have a standard look, but I also know sometimes people need to see your vision to know it’s a good vision. You don’t have to do the same dull boardroom look every time. When creative teams get new and fun looks done correctly, you also don’t have to worry about losing any credibility.

You might even set something up on your own outside the office and test out a couple of photographers in town to see if you like their style to try and get a bit more creative and comfortable. No, you don’t want a selfie on your website, and please, I’d suggest avoiding that on your Linkedin as well. Photographers don’t have to break the bank, but you do want a professional. There are multiple reasons they are considered artists.

Just remember these days, social media influencers aren’t the only folks out there with incredible photos. You can do some amazing things in a short amount of time, but do give yourself some room to have fun. People ask me sometimes about makeup, clothes, and styling for photos. I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I like gathering information, and that’s very helpful. You have a lot of different resources at your fingertips with Youtube, Instagram, and Google, but sometimes, you have to work with someone to be sure they get what you want and to get comfortable with each other. A 15-year-old young woman named Paige, that happens to love photography took the pictures in this post. I saw some of her shots on Instagram and reached out to her. Thanks to my niece, who is a friend of hers, it was pretty easy. Yes, I paid her for her work. LOL. I’m just saying as your demographic changes and grows, so should you, and that means staying consistent but adding a little classic yet up to date touches for fresh pictures you can use professionally.