Tou Moua walks into the gym with a smile and a focus. The husband and father of two brings energy with him that is infectious without being over the top. He shows up, asks about your day, how you are feeling then moves you toward a better you. I like it because he likes to laugh with us when we are working out but not in a distracting way. And make no mistake he won’t let you distract him or yourself for the agenda for the day. He will taunt you and simultaneously encourage you with every set, rep, countdown, sprint and lift. I included one of his fun workouts he recently shared on Instagram below:

I began working with Tou after my former trainer moved to Texas. Don’ t worry I’ll be featuring her down the line. She recommended Tou. Our first time to workout together I could tell Tou would challenge me and introduce me to new things while also bringing in some classic exercises proven to work. I told him I wanted to focus on my body fat and get it down to a healthier level. If I lost weight, great but my focus was on being in good physical condition and feeling better.

Now let me back up. Working with a trainer requires a lot of things including dedication, understanding, and trust. I mean a kind of energy and a path that include a respect for what you are trying to accomplish together and what you both bring to the table. After working in some capacity most of my life to stay in shape, I know some things about injuries and what does and doesn’t work for me. I also know there are a lot of things I don’ t know which is why I like working with someone who will push, guide and listen to me knowing we are working together toward a common goal. And in my experience that can take a while to find. So if you try one trainer and it’s not a fit that doesn’t mean he or she isn’t good at their job it just means you haven’t found your right fitness champion.

Four exercises Tou recommends athletes do every day.

    • Kettlebell Swings
    • Bear Crawls
    • Pull-ups
    • Any type of crunches for the abdominals.

Four  pieces of advice from Tou about working fitness into your life

    •  Balance. It’s tough juggling life. Exercise should help balance your life out.
    • Prioritize. I view exercising like you do brushing your teeth.
    • Eat. We tend to overeat, but many of us are under eating.
    • Train all the time.

Tou has only been working as a certified trainer for about three years, but his journey began long ago, “When I started exercising consistently back in the winter of 2012, I realized I wasn’t going to be the fastest or strongest human on earth. So then I had friends ask me to help them work out and get back in shape. That’s when I realized I could instruct people very well on how to exercise.” You could say it’s a calling, “I had this itch deep inside of myself and couldn’t figure it out. When I did, I knew serving people was my purpose. So I serve people through intense and smart training regimens.”

“I believe a competent trainer should keep you accountable for your actions. I pride myself in ensuring my clients get their workouts in and at the same time, teach them how to balance it with their own lives outside of the fitness floor. We all have some form of stress and exercise shouldn’t be one of them.”

Tou has so much heart. He brings fresh ideas to your group or individual training sessions every day. His seems to really want to help people learn, sustain, and gain strength and confidence in their capabilities. You can tell he believes it’s never too late to begin your journey, “There’s no start, and there’s no end. You have to consistently prioritize physical exercise throughout your daily life, every single day. Whether your 25 or 65, your fitness journey can start today.” Tou explained.

Tou puts me through some of our exercises before a shoot about DNA testing and how we used it to help me achieve some of my goals

Tou Moua is an American Council on Exercise(ACE) Certified Personal Trainer & Russian Kettlebell Certified(RKC), Instructor

As for more on what to expect, he will first meet with you and get a sense of where you are physically; then together you’ll begin a new chapter.  I feel like he makes workouts fun and fluid. I like it because for me he incorporates what I’m looking for as far as conditioning through HIT workouts, but he infuses them with strength training. I am so focused on what we are doing; I don’t have time to think about anything else making it a great escape for me and a lot of fun. On the days you are not working with him; he will text you and check on you. He might even send you a fun little at home work out to do in a text message using just your body weight. He will also help you do the things maybe you don’t want to do because they are hard or not as fun for you. The result is him making you stronger, so those things get easier and more fun to do.

I like to ask him to measure me every couple of months so I can see the numbers as far as muscle gain and strength and conditioning. For me, that helps me stay focused. I also like because he looks at my workouts on the MYZONE app, which he does on his own and then comments.