For Spring Break we decided to pack up and drive from Tulsa to Winter Park, Colorado. It would be a fantastic trip full of memories and fun for our family. But This post isn’t about our whole trip. This post is about two words: thank you.

Winter Park
On Saturday, we got up about 6:45 am and headed off to enjoy our first day of skiing. My husband Kelly, My 14-year-old bonus daughter Karys and 11-year-old bonus son Landon and I all headed to the mountain early that day. We enjoyed a ski lesson as a family with our instructor starting at about 9:30 am. After several good tips, falls, and laughter we headed to the base for lunch together which is really where this story begins. Kelly and Landon decided they were ready to go back to the condo we rented to shower and rest. My daughter and I went up the mountain for one last run then met them at the condo, and that’s when things took a turn.
The News
I could tell from the tone in Kelly’s voice when he called me to the bedroom something wasn’t right. The bloody towels we passed on the bathroom counter walking through to the bedroom, only reinforced my concerns. My husband calmly let me know we needed to get to Urgent Care and showed me a gash in his big toe so large you could see the bone. Now, so that you know he has neuropathy in his toe. He’d hurt his toe at some point on the mountain but couldn’t feel the injury and therefore just kept skiing and walking around on it. The toe was pretty traumatized by the time he figured out he even had a problem. I guess that discovery came when my husband took his shoes off in the room and then our son said, “Dad where is all this blood coming from?” Kelly looked down, took off his blood-soaked sock and quickly found the source. He’s had surgery on this toe/foot before and knew we need to get it examined and quickly. He’s always been an athlete, and one of the things I love about him is how he takes things like this in stride. He never panicked; he never raised his voice; he just clued me in without letting the kids know how serious this injury could end up being for him.
Winter Park Urgent Care
I googled Urgent Care and guess what? According to GPS, it was only one minute from our condo. The kids were done and needed some downtime. So, knowing Karys has passed her safe sitter class, we both felt like they could shower and relax in the condo while we made the short treck to get him checked out. What I keep calling Urgent Care is actually called Middle Park Medical Center Urgent Care and Family Practice. I dropped Kelly off and went to park the car. I didn’t want him walking any more than he had to in the snow and wet. I didn’t want anything getting in that wound. Tony greeted us and took our insurance information, the nurse, Allison, got us squared away and cleaned up the injury so Dr. Mark Wisner could get a better look. They were all concerned about the possibilities including a bone infection, fracture, and ligament or tendon issue. Eventually, the Doctor stepped out and made a call. Dr. Wisner’s team ended up taking x-rays trying to get a better look. Wisner also consulted with an on-call Orthopedic surgeon in Steamboat Springs. He was in out of the room several times keeping us posted. In the middle of the information gathering, x-rays and consult, I asked if I had time to take the kids dinner. I text them asking what they wanted, went to McDonald’s and then to the condo. I would learn during this stop at our accommodations that for some reason we didn’t have hot water. I didn’t have time to get to the bottom of the issue but told the kids I’d figure it out asap. I Made sure they had enough to eat and that they were all good and then went back to Urgent Care to be with Kelly. Eventually, Dr. Wisner came in sat down and looked both concerned and like a man with a plan. He took his time with us and explained the dangers of not getting proper care and told us we needed to head to the hospital in Steamboat Springs. UCHealth Yampa Valley Medical Center was about an hour and a half away from Winter Park. Dr. Wisner thought it would be faster than Denver because we wouldn’t be fighting ski traffic and he seemed to like the caliber of care he felt we’d receive at this hospital. Kelly and I both took a deep breath with so many things going through our minds. I mean you think big toe, and you think no big deal, that is until you realize what all it helps you do and why you really want to take care of that toe. Kelly still plays softball; he’s had so many issues with this toe/foot area he knows he needs to do whatever he can to help it heal. We were also both thinking of the expense of all this and of two kids who might be disappointed to learn they may not ski as much as we thought if at all after this news on this trip. Yeah, I know there are worse things to deal with but I mean they are 11 and 14, and I just didn’t want them to be disappointed. Like any parent I wanted them to enjoy this time.
I also knew the only thing that really mattered at that moment was getting Kelly to the hospital and that meant packing up our family, our team. The way I was raised when you have a man down on your team everybody else sucks it up and steps up, and that’s exactly what we were going to do.
With all this going through our minds, Dr. Wisner walks back in our Urgent Care room, takes my cell phone and plugs in the address of our destination. UCHealth Yampa Valley Medical Center. Then he hands me his cell phone number and says. “You call me if you have any questions or if you need anything.” I know right? Amazeballs! (yes I said/wrote that) Even though we were just visitors to this town and he might not ever see us again, he seemed to really care about Kelly and making sure we had everything we needed. We were not just a number rushed in and out of a facility.
Kelly and I were and are so thankful for their kindness and quick thinking. I mean, there were so many blessings in this whole situation when ya really think about how it all went down. Like the fact, this Urgent Care used the same charting system as one of our home base hospitals in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They could see all they needed to see in Kelly’s medical history, and they also were able to get us admitted to the Steamboat Springs hospital, even though it was after hours. So, that meant we would enter through the Emergency Room, but we didn’t have to do the ER dance if ya know what I mean. Kelly would be admitted to the hospital immediately.
Knowing the plan, we went back to the condo told the kids the news, took in their mixed reactions, and soon we were on the road.
Steamboat Springs Hospital – UCHealth Yampa Valley Medical Center
I remember two things from that drive. First, even that late at night it was beautiful. The moon reflecting off of the snow lit up the landscape that is God’s country. Second, a blizzard had moved through this area just days before. The roads in the day were fine, but melted snow on the highway also meant black ice on the road even with plows working. The weather element made the trip take a little longer. I kept looking at Kelly’s banged up foot/toe and hearing the medical team tell us “We don’t want a bone infection.” I was worried about my kids who were exhausted, and my husband who was now bandaged up to stop the bleeding for the drive. We called the hospital on the way to ask them if they could recommend a hotel. Kirsten, the night supervisor/nurse, let us know we probably wouldn’t be able to find a hotel room because it was spring break and the place was packed, but she said she would see what she could come up with for us.
Apparently, after we phoned the hospital from the highway, they went to work. They called Dr’s and support staff in so their team might arrive at about the same time as we did. On top of that, when we walked into the ER Kirsten greeted us with a smile and kindness. I imagine she would say, she was just her doing her job, but Kelly and I knew it was more than that. I mean no offense, but when was the last time you walked into an ER type situation and were actually greeted by the staff and asked what you needed right away? They just don’t have time for that normally. We knew, It was a team going the extra mile and it meant a lot to us. In fact, by the time we got there, they had already moved three beds into Kelly’s hospital room and made them up for us to sleep on that night. They offered us sandwiches and snacks(not Kelly because he couldn’t eat before surgery). When she told us about the beds, I just hugged her and said thank you so much.

Hospital Selfie
Kirsten took my husband to his room, told me to move the car, and they’d meet me on the other side of the hospital then walk all three of us back to his room. Soon Dr. Miranda walked in and took a good look at Kelly’s situation. He is the Doc that had been working with the Urgent Care team back in Winter Park. He explained what he needed to do and what we could expect. The anesthesiologist came back and did the same, nurses, etc. They took my cell phone number and promised to text me when the surgery was completed. And as the medical team exchanged details with us, they also brought all of us towels and toiletries so we could shower while Kelly went in for surgery.
Which ladies you’ll know what I’m saying… we all needed showers. Karys and I showered and Landon opted to take his in the morning. The kids fell asleep pretty quickly, but I really couldn’t sleep. I got a text about 1:50 am saying they were almost done in the operating room. They wheeled Kelly back in the room around 2:30 or 3:00 am. He was awake and laughing even calling the Doctor bro.. or something like that.. but it was good to see him smile. He was awake for the entire procedure. Remember he doesn’t have feeling in that area of his toe so he couldn’t feel anything they were doing. We learned Kelly had fractured his toe and they had to put his tendon put back where it belonged. The Dr. said something like, “I had to dig around in there.” It was of funny.

One of my list for thank you notes
The staff explained to us that Kelly needed two more rounds of IV antibiotics to help ward off any potential bone infection. But they were going to see if they could find someplace near Winter Park so Kelly could get it done near our condo. The rest of the night the nurses kept the lights out or on dim and whispered so the kids could sleep. They didn’t do that thing where they walk in and talk as loud as they can waking everyone up. If you’ve ever spent the night in the hospital, you know what I’m talking about…It can happen. LOL. They were so concerned about the kids resting; it was really sweet. They did their jobs and then some.
The Hospital Cafeteria Food OH MY GOSH
The next day the kids were tired, hungry and not saying it but disappointed they may spend spring break in a hospital. Everyone was glad Dad was going to, but they were also restless. We’d heard all night about the awesome cafeteria food at this hospital. I guess management asked the staff what they wanted from the cafeteria and it seems they got it. They all told us how they had the best food in this hospital and how they eat there whenever they can. So I took the kids down for lunch while we waited on the Dr. to come and do his rounds. We’d had breakfast snacks, but they needed food. Let me just say that even the cafeteria staff blew us away. It was St Patrick’s Day(Sunday), and they had made bratwurst, potatoes, sour crout, and all the fixings. But as soon as they saw the kids, they offered up burgers. The kids jumped at that with big smiles. They also had an impressive salad bar which made me very happy. I learned everything was organic and local. Even the meat was hormone free. Kelly was able to eat real food now, and I knew he would want some bratwurst from the cafeteria. I picked it up and went to check out. But the sweet lady working that day actually wouldn’t let me pay for Kelly’s meal. She gifted it to us for him. Landon ran dads plate down to his hospital room and then came back to eat with Karys and me.

View of Steamboat from Walmart Parking Lot
Next, we headed to the local Walmart to get pillows to prop up dads foot in the car and to get the kids movies for the car. It was just kind of a nice break. They love Starbucks, so we even ran a shot down and got them some fun drinks. I remember walking back to the car and looking at the snow-covered mountains thanking God for the those who had done so much for us in the last 24 hours. It was this surreal peaceful moment that felt like a warm hug from above offering a renewed sense of comfort. I was also proud of my kids for helping me that day with very little resistance or complaining. I mean she is 14, and he is 11. They could have made this much harder ya’ll. Let’s face it; they are on their spring break and learning they may spend it in a hospital. But, They kept making me smile even though I’d only had about three hours sleep in two days. I love them so much, and even as exhausted as I was I knew to take in how great these two kiddos are and were being, and I smiled knowing we would one day laugh about all of this. Not today, but one day. LOL.
Anyway, I got back to Kelly’s room, and the IV antibiotic needs were being discussed again. I guess timing on these is really important. As the medical team in the hospital room talked with us, I also text the Dr. in Winter Park from Urgent Care. He reached out to a hospital in Granby just 20 to 30 minutes from our rented condo in Winter Park. Now understand Kelly this whole time is saying to the medical team and us that he wants to get back to Winter Park. He wanted me to be able to take the kids skiing while he got whatever treatment he needed and some much needed R&R. He didn’t want to have his whole family spend the night in a hospital room if it wasn’t necessary.
Well, Dr. Wisner, the one from Urgent Care in Winter Park, seem to somehow coordinate with staff at both hospitals to ensure Kelly could be seen in Granby. The folks at Steamboat Springs faxed over his script for the IV and everything else he would need, then gave me a copy as well just in case.
In the meantime, Kelly got an IV antibiotic treatment Sunday at the Steamboat Springs hospital. As they started his IV, nurse Sandy also gave me his other prescriptions. This meant I could run to Walgreens and get them, then come back and load the car to drive back to Winterpark. I guess the Walmart pharmacy closed earlier than the Walgreens Pharmacy and I knew Walgreens probably also had Kelly in their computer system. Now, somewhere in all this, I remembered to call the condo folks and asked them about the hot water and learned a plumber would check it out.
My little Walgreens Adventure… & the infamous roll of quarters.
Okay, so, I walked into Walgreens and handed Kelly the pharmacist my prescriptions. I’ll never forget she smiled and asked, “Oh no, did someone get hurt?” It was very sweet of her. I gave them the Reader’s Digest version and explained what happened as the tech found Kelly in the computer system. Then I asked where the restroom was, and she pointed it out. I remembered while walking to the bathroom I needed to do some laundry. I felt like I’d been in the same clothes for a while, and so had my crew. When I talked with the condo about the hot water, I asked about the laundry facilities on site and learned I’d probably need quarters.
On my way back downstairs, yes this was a two-story Walgreens, I asked some of the Walgreens team working on stocking items near the pharmacy If I could buy a roll of quarters. I remember thinking the woman’s response seemed strange as she almost struggled for an answer and told me they only had two rolls of quarters in their safe. It was just odd the way she said it. I can’t explain it, but It felt like she was reaching. She suggested I go down the road to the bank. I said thank you and moved on, I mean I knew I was tired and didn’t want to read to much into her response. I found some laundry detergent and heard my name called back to the pharmacy. Kelly, the pharmacist, was all smiles as she rung me up and got me ready to go. I took a chance and asked her in a last ditch effort about buying maybe just a dollars worth of quarters and explained I didn’t want to put anyone out because I’d been told they didn’t have any rolls of quarters in the store that I could buy. I also told her why I wanted the quarters. She seemed to have the same reaction I did to what the staff had told me earlier. She let me buy a roll of quarters from her. She said it was no problem at all and I so appreciated her response. I mean you can relate, right? I am just trying to get as much done as quickly as possible without having to make a ton of stops before getting back to the hospital.
Work smarter not harder right? Now here is the kicker. I was walking out and remembered my daughter kept losing her chapstick and her lips were hurting. I stopped to buy the chapstick, and I asked for some dollar bills in my change or something like that… I think I wanted them jic for a vending machine. I can’t really remember, but somehow she ended up telling me, “As long as you don’t want quarters. Some lady was in here wanting to buy a roll of quarters, and I just got yelled at by my boss to not give them to her.” ummmm Yeah I think that lady was me. I didn’t say that of course I just smiled and said I understood or something like that trying to be gracious and leave. I didn’t want to get anyone in trouble. I did kind of laugh inside thinking man who knew a roll of quarters could spark such controversy. I’m sure there were reasons.
Back at Steamboat Springs Hospital
I got back to Kelly’s room just after Dr. Miranda put him in a temporary cast to help protect his toe until we got back to Tulsa. We began the process of packing up the room. Kelly had four bags of stuff just from his hospital room plus crutches. We got it all loaded up and then I pulled around to pick up ‘big man’ and head back to Winter Park.
The drive was even more beautiful in the daylight: the snow-covered mountains, horses, cattle, skiers, and people fishing along the way. We didn’t have to worry about anything frozen on the road because it was still day time and a little warmer outside. This drive went by much more quickly.
Winter Park Condo and Still No Hot Water: What?
We got back to the room, and I knew the days ahead the kids would want to ski as much as possible. I also knew Kelly wouldn’t be able to help return his ski rentals I mean not on crutches. And I saw the note the serviceman had left, telling us he needed a part, and wouldn’t be able to make repairs until the next day (Monday)

Note from serviceman
So, I just thought, do what you can do. I grabbed Kelly’s ski stuff and ran it back to the ski rental place just down the road. On my way back into our condo, I stopped by the pool area to see if there were any open washers and dryers in the laundry facilities. They were empty, so I figured I could come back down after making dinner for the kids and do some wash. On my way back up the stairs, I stopped by the front desk to ask about towels, but a nice young man told me I couldn’t use their towels. The young man at the desk, he was just doing his job. At this point, I’m just exhausted from not sleeping the night before, worn out kids, and a recovering husband. I get in my car and call Winter Park Lodging to explain what had happened and what was happening. They were amazing. First, they couldn’t believe I wasn’t given towels to use… but I again I just figured the young man was doing his job. He wasn’t rude in any way. I just didn’t like the answer. Second, they explained they called us the night before and left a voicemail offering to move us rooms/condos or refund us for a nights stay. I guess they called hubby’s phone and it was dead because we forgot his charger for our Steamboat hospital get away. LOL. At some point in all of this, I’d driven back down to the laundry facilities, but by the time I got back down there, all the washers were in use. I just gave up on that for the night.
Anyway, back in our condo, I ended up telling Kelly our options and the poor guy just didn’t want to go through moving all our stuff which I totally get. I eventually started making dinner and at some point, when talking with the Winter Park Lodging folks noticed I needed oil. What I probably really needed was a shower.
Let me just tell you these folks jumped into action, and within an hour we had towels, wine, and other goodies to help us get through one more night. Sweet Colleen with Winter Park Lodging Company stopped by the store on her way home from work and brought us oil and a cookie sheet. I had noticed the room didn’t have a cookie sheet, so she just brought one. Then two ladies came by with buckets full of towels, St Patty’s day glitter hats for the family and wine. I hugged all of them. I was just so grateful for all their kind efforts and smiles.
I actually sent cookies back with the two ladies for Colleen. In fact, Colleen gave me her cell phone number and continued to check in on us. We agreed if the hot water tank wasn’t fixed on Monday, Winter Park Lodging would move us to our new condo down the road(no this wasn’t a matter of moving a door or two down) while we finished skiing. All this, and also on Monday Kelly would get his IV antibiotic at the hospital in Granby.
So there’s that… LOL anyway The kids ate, Kelly ate, and everyone went to bed. I think we even remembered to say prayers. Finally, while everyone tried to get R&R, I boiled water on the stove and tried to clean up and relax before bed. It was nice to know everyone was resting comfortably and we were up for our next adventure on Monday. The alarm clock was set for 6:45 am, and I was all set for a good nights sleep. I remember that night saying my prayers and two words kept being said.. ‘thank you.’ Thank you for all the grace shown to us by so many people including friends, family, and strangers.

Kellys Hospital Bracelets and foot.
Thank you for the kindness of strangers and memories we won’t soon forget. Thank you for healing for my husband that we know is on the way, Thank you for my husband and partner in life my kids and this crazy life that I wouldn’t have any other way. Thank you for, everyone, in the medical field helping people every day and doing their best to provide care, comfort, and hope. Thank for the kindness and hospitality of the ladies from Winter Park Lodging, the maintenance man who kept checking to make sure we had hot water…
Thank you for people who work so hard in whatever their field, often never hearing thank you. Please, Lord, give them strength and courage and let them know they are appreciated. I know there are so many more serious things people out there are dealing with daily. This is just one day, one family, one emergency… but we are grateful, and we thank you Lord and pray for all those facing struggles no matter how big or small.
Oh. That was sweet. Sometimes things happen on a trip that will really have you remember it. It could of just been a skiing trip. This one your children will tell when they take they’re family . Glad everything worked out.