Four chocolate chip cookies on a white paper place on top of red an white checkered tray.

These are the DoubleTree Cookies made with white flour.

All this stuff that’s keeping us at home also has me refocused on fun things to do at the house with the family. I have always loved Double Tree’s cookies, and when they released their recipe, I was all over it! It’s super easy and so fun! I make two different kinds. We have a son that’s allergic to tree nuts, so when I make them for the kids, I don’t use nuts. I do add extra chocolate chips. They love these cookies! So, you can see why I’m so mad at DoubleTree, I mean we can’t stop eating these sweet treats ;).

Now, the first time I made these cookies, I couldn’t find regular flour. I think it was another one of those things people were buying a lot of and maybe secretly stocking up on during COVID-19. So I used Great Day Nut Flour Blend.

It worked great, and I think it was probably more healthy for the family than regular flour. I don’t really know, but we all liked it.

I will say the cookies didn’t rise as much as they do when I make them with white flour. But they still tasted amazing! Below is their list of ingredients:

½ pound butter, softened (2 sticks)

¾ cup + 1 tablespoon granulated sugar

¾ cup packed light brown sugar

2 large eggs

1 ¼ teaspoons vanilla extract

¼ teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice

2 ¼ cups flour

1/2 cup rolled oats

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon salt

Pinch cinnamon

2 2/3 cups Nestle Tollhouse semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 3/4 cups chopped walnuts

Below is the video Hilton published, but if you’re like me, you need it written out as well, so click here to read their post and get their recipe and full instructions.

Official Recipe: The Signature DoubleTree Chocolate Chip Cookie from Hilton Newsroom on Vimeo.

Now, something I started doing since my kids are home doing distance learning in the day, and I’m now going back into the office.

Picture of cookie dough with chocolate chips with a spatula in it.

I will make a batch of the dough mix and roll it into balls. Then, I put about six of the cookie dough balls in a quart size ziplock bag.

Chocolate chip cookie dough rolled up into balls in a baggie sitting on a counter.

I write on the outside if they have nuts or not and the instructions to bake them. Then I put them in the freezer.

Chocolate chip cookie dough rolled up into balls in a baggie sitting on a counter. The babbie is labeled with baking instructions including bake at 300 degree for 20 minut4es.

The instructions might say, “Bake at 300° for 20 minutes.” I write it on each quart bag and then put them in a gallon ziplock bag that is also labeled. That way, if something gets rubbed off (like in the picture above) the outside bag’s label, it’s still on the inside bags JIC. I also don’t put a batch that has nuts and a group that doesn’t have nuts in the same bag. I’ll probably start color-coding the future bags as well. Anyway, this is also an easy way to make sure we don’t make to many cookies at a time and avoid wasting any. I also like doing this because they know I cared enough to make them, and all they have to do is put them on parchment paper on a cookie sheet, set the timer, and bake.  I think the hardest part for them is probably waiting on the cookies to cool 😉