The Month of Love
I've just decided for the month of February I want to try and journal every [...]
Finally feeling better and then work hits? I can’t be the only one?
First, let me start off by saying, I love my job. I just have [...]
Fighting my body the last 2 weeks
II feel like that the last two weeks my body has been so [...]
Time to regroup
Met with the trainer today and went over my fitness program. He knows i'm [...]
Can vacation training be a sport?
Most of my life I’ve been an athlete. I’ve [...]
The Month of Love
I've just decided for the month of February I want to try and journal every day about my fitness and health journey. Normally I won't post every day about this but this month I want to [...]
Finally feeling better and then work hits? I can’t be the only one?
First, let me start off by saying, I love my job. I just have these times of the year where I get worn down and if I get sick, it can make for a rough [...]
Fighting my body the last 2 weeks
II feel like that the last two weeks my body has been so tired. My husband finally told me one night to go to the Dr. because it sounded like I was getting bronchitis [...]
Time to regroup
Met with the trainer today and went over my fitness program. He knows i'm wanting to keep moving forward. Last year we got back from vacation and I lost my motivation somehow. This year I'm [...]
Can vacation training be a sport?
Most of my life I’ve been an athlete. I’ve played some type of sport or worked toward some fitness goal. Like many others, my weight and size will often go [...]