So, I’m trying to have more fun with vegetables. I found this roasted cauliflower recipe on Pinterest and added my own twist. Click here for a link to the step by step recipe I started with for this easy treat.  And let me just say, using the cast iron skillet made all the difference. I love that, the one we use happened to belong to my husband’s mom.

He has so many memories associated with meals she made for them as kids using it that cooking with it always makes me smile. Anyway, I digress…I also like this recipe because the clean up was next to nothing. If you’re anything like me you enjoy cooking but not so much the cleanup. Anyway, this started because I wanted some healthier options for Thanksgiving at the house. I think we will be making it more often.

Took me about an hour because my oven wasn’t heating properly but it was well worth the wait. Kelly was outside with the grill making us some lobster tails as the main dish. We picked them up at The White River Fish Market. Reasor’s also has some great deals on seafood but we were wanting a little larger tails then they had on this particular day. He would have to tell you how he made those because I don’t.

  • Cast Iron Skillet
    1 Head of Cauliflower
    Cayenne Pepper
    Olive Oil(cold pressed)
    Chopped Parsley

I used the items on the left. I like the extra kick of the pepper and hubby did too. I did make sure to rub the Cayenne pepper into the cauliflower before baking at 400 degrees for about 40-50 minute. Then I removed the foil and put it back in for about 10 minutes

so the top could brown took it out and trickled a little bit of melted butter with parsley on top. Now the list on the left is mine a little different then what’s suggested but we liked it and would probably make it the same way next time.

The finished product was so pretty. Since it was just the two of us we had some left over so I measured out 1/4 cups and placed into snack baggies to reheat later in the week.

All in all, I have to say this was an easy thing to make and a pretty big hit. The question now, can I get my Bonus Kids to try it?