The third day of February and I’m exhausted. But I got up this morning and started with my thank you prayers then got dressed and went to the gym First time this month I ‘ve had a good cardio workout and it felt great. I was able to get in some kettlebell work, crawls, sprints and more. It felt so good to be taking care of myself.

Came home and got ready for church then the family all headed that way together.

Loved the interesting sermon today for sure. One of the topics came back to love.

1 Corinthians

13 So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

The message is so much deeper than anything I can say. But I began to think about how important it is to love ourselves and not just everybody else. I’m not talking about in an egocentric way. I just mean it’s okay to take care of yourself and be kind to yourself.  Anyway food for thought..