Today I was able to get to the gym, but I was still feeling light-headed. I did the workout on the right and went home to make my lunch and dinner.  Then I went to the doctor’s office before work. I was told I was on the tail end of the flu and or viral infection but that it was too late to swab for the flu. Makes sense with the way I’ve been feeling but the good news is I feel so much better today compared to Sunday night. So here’s to another night of good sleep and an even better workout tomorrow.

  • Cardio

  • Training Round One

    • 10 KB Swings
    • 5 Push-Ups
    • 10 KB Swings
    • 10-second sprint

    4 Rounds, 30 seconds of rest after each round

  • Training Round Two80 feet Farmer’s Carry

    • 80 feet Board Jumps
    • 10 Push Ups
    • 80 feet Versa Climber

    4 Rounds, 30 seconds of rest after each round

  • Ab Section

    • 50 Russian Twists
    • 25 Flutter Kicks
    • 50 Reverse Crunches

    3 Rounds, minimal rest

  • Finisher

    • 10-second sprint, 20 seconds off

    10 Rounds