• Cardio and Warmup

  • Yellow Zone One

    • 10 Deadlifts
    • 5 Push Ups
    • 20 Core Stars
    • 10-second sprint

    4 Rounds, 40 seconds of rest after each round

  • Yellow Zone Two

    • 80 feet Farmer’s Carry
    • 80 feet Board Jumps
    • 80 feet Farmer’s Carry
    • 80 feet Versa Climber

    4 Rounds, 40 seconds of rest after each round

  • Green Zone

    • 50 Russian Twists
    • 25 Glute Bridges
    • 50 Windshield Wipers
      3 Rounds, minimal rest
  • Finisher/Red Zone

    • 5 Burpees
    • 10 calorie row
    • 10-second sprint

    3 rounds no rest if possible

*Thank you to Tou Moua for allowing me to share these workouts. Click his name to follow him on Instagram.

Today was so fun. Hubby beat me to the gym, but I got there a little after him. Did quick cardio and then my workout and …oh my gosh I’m tired and sore. Today was tough. I finished up and went home to make lunch and snacks for the day plus dinner. I ended up combining a little Zoes with my salad. Ordered chicken skewers with no sauce and then put the chicken in the salad I brought th4en mixed it with Zoes salad. Pretty darn good combo. Then a protein shake.  Tomorrow marks day five this week in the gym and due to some extra cardio, I may take Saturday off. We shall see. I’m happy with the work I put in this week and hope you’ve seen your own success as well. Have a great night.