Today we had nasty weather in the forecast. I knew that probably meant I needed to pack a bag just in case we got stuck at the station, had to work late or the weather was so bad I didn’t want to drive home. Fortunately, looked like the worst of it missed Tulsa by about 8:00 pm.  So it all worked out. Speaking of working out I got up early today and headed to the gym! Tuesdays and Thursdays are usually long days for me, and I wanted to knock it out. Don’t be fooled by this one. When done right it’s a little harder than it looks on paper. I did cardio before, the workout, then stretched.

  • Cardio Warmup

  • Quick floor warmup

    • 100 feet Forward Crawl
    • 15 Elephant Walk
    • 10 Around the World each side
  • Yellow Zone Training Section One

    • 10 KB Swing
    • 5 Push-Ups
    • 20 Mountain Climbers
    • 10-second sprint

    4 Rounds, 40 seconds of rest after each round

  • Yellow Zone Training Section Two

    • 10 DB Squat Thrusters
    • 5 TRX Low Rows
    • 20 High Knees
    • 5 Push-ups
      4 Rounds, 40 seconds of rest after each round
  • Green Zone Training

    • 50 Russian Twists
    • 25 Glute Bridges
    • 50 Windshield Wipers
      3 Rounds, minimal rest
  • Finisher

    • 3 Round Finisher
    • 5 Burpees
    • 10 calorie row
    • 10 second sprint

*Thank you to Tou Moua for allowing me to share these workouts. Click his name to follow him on Instagram.

The video above shows a quick look at how my heart rate changes sometimes on the MyZone App on my phone. According to their website, “The Myzone module is so accurate that it is comparable to an EKG delivering accuracy of 99.4%.”