• Barbell Giant Set

    4 sets total

    Deadlift – 15, 12, 10, 8

    Bent Over Row – 15, 12, 10, 8

    Upright Row – 15, 12, 10, 8

    5 Elephant Walks after each set

  • Super set

    4 sets total

    Leg Press – 15, 12, 10, 8

    Overhead Press – 15, 12, 10, 8

    10 bear crawls after each set

  • Smith Machine

    Straight sets

    Flat Bench Press – 4×10

    Split Squats – 4×10 per leg

  • Plus my cardio

*Thank you to Tou Moua for allowing me to share these workouts. Click his name to follow him on Instagram.

Well, I loved myself today allowing myself to sleep in which is nice, but it means I didn’t get my cardio done. I did finally get to have my B-day lunch with my parents and sister. It’s been so crazy. My birthday was 1/22, but we just couldn’t all four get together to celebrate.

Anyway, it was nice but my mom knows what my favorite is…She brought me some pink cupcakes from Merritt’s.

As you can see from the cupcake picture I do still have a sweet tooth, and no I won’t eat all of these. I think I’ll share, maybe. It is so nice to live in the same town. I was able to meet them and then drive into work. I love that after 17 years we finally live in the same area. My parents are always so supportive of my sister and me that spending time with them is like food for the heart. They are so fun and make me so proud. The same is true of Holly. She’s the best.

I’m sore as hell today because of our great Tuesday morning workout. You can check out what I remember on the left-hand side of this post. Just know that It is also not lost on me that my favorite, those strawberry cupcakes from Merritt’s on the right, don’t exactly go with my goals here but B-Day cupcakes are calorie free. Right? Let’s just agree to disagree.

I always look forward to these workouts and the soreness that comes with putting in the effort. I Know I’m getting stronger and I’m excited to test my BMI at the end of the month again. I used to dread that but now I look forward to seeing if what we are doing is working.

I’ve also noticed when I don’t snack after work I seem to do much better. Oh and I’ve been off caffeine almost a month? Crazy I know. I read that J-Low doesn’t drink caffeine and she’s awesome of course,  plus I wanted to keep my teeth white so ya know you do what you must. I’m sure I’ll have it again but right now I’m avoiding it.