I love the idea of getting dressed up for a wonderful event, supporting an amazing cause. One of my favorite groups to team up with is the Mercy Health Foundation in Northwest Arkansas. I’ve worked with them for years. I’ve also been to Mercy Hospital’s ER before so I know what it’s like to get help from their team members. The people I’ve met on the board, working in and for the hospital, on the foundation and volunteering, have been so kind and giving. They seem to really care about making sure they do their best to help provide the highest standard healthcare possible to anyone who may need their services.
This year when I got the call asking me to come back to emcee their 25th Anniversary Mercy Charity Ball I was so honored and excited to be a part of what I knew would be a very special event. I wanted something beautiful to wear that night but I also didn’t want anything overpowering. I was looking for elegant, simple and classic. I text my friends at “She Said Yes” in Rogers, Arkansas, explaining my needs and nerves. LOL. They are so good at what they do that I can’t even put it into words. I was sent a picture and I quickly said ‘yes’ to a stunning long black dress that was everything I wanted. I shared the entrance video on my social media. In my Instagram post below, the intro had just played and the curtain had come up… It’s just five seconds or so of me walking to the podium. I had to share it because one of my favorite parts of the dress was how it flowed when I walked.
A dress doesn’t have to speak for you. If you are going for elegance, it can simply tell a story of you with you as you move across the room at any event. Sometimes, less truly is more.
Mercy Ball is always fun and amazing but I knew this year, with it being the 25th Anniversary, the team would be doing everything they could, even more so than usual, to ensure an amazing night. I was nervous because although I’d emceed this event about a dozen times, I never want to let anyone down and I was unable to attend in 2017.
Mercy Ball has a history of Glamor, Magic, and oHpe
They always raise a lot of money to support the medical goals and needs of the hospital. They also keep the proceeds from their event in Northwest Arkansas, so local supporters know their donations will stay at home. Guests are treated to so many surprises throughout the night. It’s fun and breathtaking all at once.
This year included: a VIP event before doors open: A warm welcome the Clysdales; A special performance from the Symphony of Northwest Arkansas (SONA); Surprise entertainment from Salt-N-Peppa and Spinderella; And an after party with DJ Kirby.
Mercy hosted a wonderful evening full of entertainment, beauty, and laughter. Most importantly, we raised a lot of money to help support their efforts in healthcare. Thank you Mercy and everyone in NWA who helped make the night a huge success. I will always consider NWA and Tulsa as home and it was nice to spend time with so many friends supporting a wonderful cause.
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