Zen Body Yoga and Wellness
I posted on my Facebook page and asked you where I could do Aerial Yoga in NWA or the Tulsa area. Many of you suggested Zen Body Yoga & Wellness.
I ended up messaging back and forth with Zen Body Yoga and Wellness on Facebook and it wasn’t long before the wonderful Amy Miller and I connected. She was so much fun in our text messages. I knew we’d have a great time in person.
I headed to their location at 61st and Yale on one of those days when the Oklahoma wind seems to cut right through you. But once I got inside, the studio itself immediately offered a warm and comforting environment that quickly made me forget about the winter chill that started my day.
Zen Body offers two different types of aerial yoga; Float and Fly. Amy says, “Float classes are gentle and accessible to most. Fly classes are more advanced, and may not be right for some, including those who get dizzy easily, people with glaucoma or osteoporosis.”
Aerial yoga provides increased stretching and strengthening opportunities, as well as spinal decompression and alignment. The compression of the fabric during the floating savasana (the final pose at the end of class) is very soothing, especially for those with anxiety. And for some, the biggest benefit is the psychological challenge of letting go of fear. – Amy Miller, Founder and Instructor, Zen Body Yoga & Wellness
In a few moments, Amy and I headed down the hall and toward the studio for my ‘AreoZen Basics’ Workshop or session. Now, I want to stop and explain this a little bit. You know how sometimes you go to a fitness class at your gym for the first time and you don’t know what the heck to expect. Then, you get in that class, and everyone else seems to speak a language you don’ t know, therefore making you NOT want to ask questions and leaving you a little lost. Well, I feel like this is designed to eliminate that part of the equation setting you up for success in your first class and making you as comfortable as possible. You can still ask questions in the regular class, and it’s my understanding many people do, but the workshop gets you more prepared for what to expect and aims to help familiarize you with some of the typical moves. It’s not a sell job either. For me, it felt like the perfect invitation to learn more about the experience without feeling intimidated or pushed into something I wasn’t ready to try.

Founder and Instructor, Amy Miller
Zen Body Yoga + Wellness
6024 S Yale Ave, Tulsa, OK 74135
(918) 388-8799
You could see Amy gain a little extra pep in her step as she hit the studio floor. I got the sense she was excited to show me something she’s been using to help her body for years. Almost like a big sister wanting to teach you a secret to health or something she wishes she’d know about sooner in life.
She had the studio dimly lit, offering a comforting hue and calming space. As we got situated inside, she told me she’s been teaching yoga for ten years, and aerial yoga for six years, probably part of why I felt like I was in good hands. She walked me through the idea of the fabric hammock or yoga swing that I would soon be embracing as much as the kettlebells I use every week.
One of the first things we did involved kind of letting the swing cradle and encompass me as I just sort of relaxed and floated inside. It was so comforting and relaxing, almost like I was in my own little cacoon. Soon we were doing some Yoga with the swing, and I felt like I was helping my body recover from the lifting I’d done a couple of hours before at the gym. At the same time, I knew I was also working my muscles, and I could feel my body enjoying being pushed in a new way while also somehow feeling like I was stretching and pampering it in all the right places. I loved the whole experience of the unique challenges and movements that seemed to help me with everything from alignment and core strength to self-confidence and growth. I’m already trying to get a girls group together to go back. I can’t wait for them to try this, but I also can wait for them to meet Amy so they can experience the same kindness I did.
Watching someone experience success in aerial yoga is really one of my favorite things in the world. Especially when they thought they wouldn’t be able to do something, and I coach them and encourage them, and suddenly they realize they are stronger than they thought. – Amy Miller, Founder and Instructor, Zen Body Yoga & Wellness
