Rodan + Fields Daily Cleansing Mask

I get asked often about my skin. I just put a few things together that I use. I love these four things right now for different reasons. I use other products to which I’m sure I’ll talk about more later but let’s just start with Rodan + Fields Daily Cleansing Mask. I started using R&F a while back. I don’t use it all the time so please don’t message me and offer to sell me some. I don’t need any and already have a couple of friends that take great care of me. But If you are looking for something to help, “Minimize the appearance of fine lines, visible pores, and loss of firmness with this three-step routine. Defend against and reduce the visible signs of aging for noticeably firmer, smoother, younger-looking skin.” that’s what they say the product does. I don’t know about all that I just know I like the way my skin feels when I use it, but I don’ t use it all the time. Right now am just using The Daily Cleansing Mask. I don’t know about the chemicals in it or anything like that; I just know I like how my skin feels. I think if you buy the whole regimen set it’s around 200.00 before taxes. My friend Denise Hoey sells this stuff so she’d be the girl to ask. Click her name to link to her Rodan +Fields page and learn more.Four Favorites for Skin Care

Skin Medica HA5

HA5 is my go to right now for keeping my skin hydrated and looking fresh. I learned about it from my friend and dermatologist Missy Dr. Clifton.  I love this stuff,  but it’s not cheap. A bottle on her website cost 178.00 plus tax but it last. I think that’s discounted a little for ordering it online if I remember correctly. Anyway, I only seem to need a small amount a day on my face to see a huge difference in my skin. The travel size I always take with me on vacation or if I’m doing any travel for business. I like the way it seems to breathe new life into my skin instantly. I can use it before I put my makeup on or after and I don’t seem to have any issues.

Gold Bond Ultimate Hydrating Cream

In the winter and spring especially, my legs can get really dry. I put this stuff on, and they feel and look so much better. It comes out of the tub easily. It is thick but to me doesn’t feel heavy or oily. My skin soaks it in, and my pores don’t get irritated don’t seem to mind even if I use it once in a while on my face. The best part may be the $4.97 price tag at Walmart. I carry this in my go bag for work and keep a tube at home. I love it on my elbows too. And the smell is nice. Makes me think of the ocean and the beach with hubby.

Mary Kay Extra Emollient Night Cream

OH MY GOSH! This stuff my mom used to give us when we were kids if our lips were chapped. You know that terrible hurt, stink, red, bite your lips chapped. I was having an issue this year with my hands getting dry and hurting. Probably from me washing them so much with the flu season, and using antibacterial stuff. Who knows, but I was hurting. I called who else, Mom. I asked her if she had any of the ‘pink stuff’ as we call it in our family. She gave me some and the relief was instant. The next day I didn’t have to reapply it… It worked just like it did when I was a kid. She then got me a tube for Christmas which I use and love. You can get Mary Kay Extra Emollient Night Cream for around $15.00. 


Now I can’t tell ya what’s good or bad for you in any of this stuff. I can just tell you these are some things I like right now. They aren’t the only things I use, but they are some of the ones I tend to go to often. Hope it helps.