Fork Your Diet

Two Tulsa Doctors are behind a movie or ‘Healthumentary’ called ‘Fork Your Diet’ that will soon be available on Amazon for free. They are also the authors of ‘Fork Your Diet’ the book.

Dr. Michele Neil-Sherwood and her husband Dr. Mark Sherwood own Functional Medical Institute in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I met them a couple of years ago working on a story about DNA testing and how it can help people learn more and take more control of their health and wellbeing. I was curious and frustrated with my own fitness and health issues. So, I went back to them and did the testing myself. I am not a doctor, obviously, but I’ve been an athlete of some type,  lol,  most my life. I  had reached a certain point where I was struggling more than ever before, and they helped me understand how to use the information from my DNA testing to work toward living a better life for me. They helped me interpret the results so I could focus on what my body does well and what I can do to fuel it correctly to reach my fitness and health goals, and it has been a fantastic experience.  I tell you all that to kind of explain why when they reached out to me about an upcoming preview of ‘Fork Your Diet’ I couldn’t wait to learn more. Click the picture of Dr. Mark Sherwood below in my  Facebook post to watch the story about my DNA testing and what I’ve learned from working with the Sherwoods.

They let me see ‘Fork Your Diet’  before the big red carpet preview at a Tulsa theater.

I watched the first half one night after work. I got through the second half the next night then rewatched parts of it over the weekend.

In ‘Fork Your Diet’ they took the time to speak with others across the county who also seem to want to help people understand what they can do to live a healthier life just by knowing more about their own body and what they put in their body. The ‘movie’ also takes viewers on a journey following two patients trying to make better health decisions. It is, at times, tough, informative, and eye-opening in many ways.

I’m not one to believe in being judgmental when it comes to people doing the best they can and trying to learn more. I feel like for me that’s been really important in any of my success with my health. I have never felt judged in working with these two physicians, but I have felt very supported.

I’m also one who believes in everything in moderation, right? I think what I am learning is ‘moderation’ probably looks different for everyone, especially since no two people have the exact genetic makeup.  I’m still going to have a cupcake once in a while. LOL. I’m also still going to keep trying to learn how to fuel myself more appropriately and enjoy the food and nutrients my body and mind want and need. I’m learning to make choices that are better for me.

Watch the movie for yourself and make your own decisions but make sure you get through the entire movie before you come to a conclusion. You may just find it leaves you with both questions and hope about what YOU can do for YOU and your family.

I sometimes have to remind myself there’s a reason on the airplane they tell you to put your oxygen mask on yourself first, in case of an emergency,  before you put one on your child or anyone else. The idea being, If you can’t take care of yourself. If you can’t breathe, you can’t help anyone else. For me, I’m trying to live the best life I can and do my best to make good, informed decisions along the way. I make mistakes, I have good days and bad days, but I try, and I learn… every day I’m learning to take better care of myself and my family. The learning experience has been a blessing for us, and the Sherwoods’ have been a big part of that journey.

Look for ‘Fork Your Diet’ on Amazon starting June 12, 2019. It’s free. You may just learn some things you wish you would have known sooner. I know I’m going to try and get my whole family to check it out… If you want to know more then just check out their social media pages. They’re under the Sherwood’s picture and Youtube video. You’ll see the red icons. You can also give them a call to learn more. You just do what’s right for you, friends… I’m no expert, but here’s to us all learning and growing and living a better and healthier life.

“Pondering ways to aid In healing in today’s health crisis, Fork your diet- the movie was born. This healthumentary is brought to you full of inspiration and heartfelt passion to aid people’s choice for better health. We can’t fix what we don’t know! With health care providers from across the country providing insight and revealing information new hope is born. A brilliant production by Stevie Fernandez and his team, we know this movie has the potential to bring change to the world’s health crisis and promote amazing (and permanent) lifestyle changes. You may laugh as well as cry, most of all enjoy the movie.”

– Dr. Michele Neil-Sherwood

“With our country’s (and the world’s health trends going in the wrong direction, Dr. Michele and I felt the need to create an informative, entertaining, and motivating project to inspire change.  So, we poured our heart and soul into this full-length movie with the intent to create a wave of “hope dealers” across the world. With a masterful job by the producer (and newly found health warrior), Stevie Fernandez, we know this movie will cut to the heart of the world’s health crisis and promote amazing (and permanent) lifestyle changes. Enjoy, laugh, cry a little, and be blessed as you watch FORK YOUR DIET!”

– Dr. Mark Sherwood