Fitness Chats2019-06-07T02:31:08+00:00


 Live your life your way on this day.

I kept hearing myself say to people, “Give me two weeks.” Then one day it dawned on me. Why wait. Live your life your way on this day. JonesN4life.com is about loving the journey, celebrating victories, and learning together. Sign up for our emails here and let’s take the trip together.


 Live your life your way on this day.

I kept hearing myself say to people, “Give me two weeks.” Then one day it dawned on me. Why wait. Live your life your way on this day. JonesN4life.com is about loving the journey, celebrating victories, and learning together. Sign up for our emails here and let’s take the trip together.

Brooke Rusher Equals Sassy,Fitness, & Success & Fun.

“There are no can’t’s in life. Unless it’s that I can’t walk, but I’m working on that so let’s go!” – Tadd Parrett.

Life of Taheerah Equals Pilates, Style & Fun.

Soccer lessons for young and old

Brooke Rusher Equals Sassy,Fitness, Successs, Style & Fun.

“There are no can’t’s in life. Unless it’s that I can’t walk, but I’m working on that so let’s go!” – Tadd Parrett.

Life of Taheerah Equals Pilates, Style & Fun.

Soccer lessons for young and old.

Ask The Trainer

Pool fitness is a great way to burn calories and get a resistance workout all in one.  The water is much denser than the air so one can work hard to get the heart rate up and work against the water for more resistance.  – Brooke Rusher, BS Exercise Physiologist/Aquatic Coordinator

You can sweat in the water; however, it is much harder to sweat in the water.  You are in water that’s cooler than body temperature, so you will dissipate heat more effectively.  Which leads to less sweating, but it doesn’t mean you’re not working as hard – Brooke Rusher, BS Exercise Physiologist/Aquatic Coordinator

Pool workouts are great cross-training.  You can achieve benefits from water exercise that you cannot get from a land-based workout.  When you are in the water you are virtually weightless.  This allows you the ability to perform exercises that you might not be able to do when working out on land.  Plus, you can work in a cardiovascular and resistance state at the same time. – Brooke Rusher, BS Exercise Physiologist/Aquatic Coordinator

The secret to success with aquatic fitness is just like anything else; consistency.  To see the benefits from water exercise you must make it part of your workout routine.  I highly suggest working with a professional to start in the pool.  This way you can make sure that you are doing the movements correctly and getting the full benefit out the pool workout. – Brooke Rusher, BS Exercise Physiologist/Aquatic Coordinator

Fitness should be fun, don’t do something that you’re going to dread every day. Being active doesn’t mean you have to run on a treadmill. Get out and see the world on a walk or go out and play a sport to your athletic level. Do something that you enjoy to get you moving. – Tadd Parrett, certified athletic trainer, Bachelor of Science in athletic training.

Start with an achievable goal. Try walking your office floor or even getting off the couch and doing 10 squats. Remember, It doesn’t have to be earth-shattering.  just something to head you in the right direction. – Tadd Parrett, certified athletic trainer, Bachelor of Science in athletic training.

Food can be the hardest part of the health journey. Food is what fuels your day. A bad diet can equal a bad day. A good diet fuels your mind and body. Every calorie can count toward a positive or negative outcome. – Tadd Parrett, certified athletic trainer, Bachelor of Science in athletic training.

1)Are you motivated to help people even when they feel helpless?

2)How do you motivate them?

3)What drives you in fitness?

4)How do you motivate yourself to stay healthy?

– Tadd Parrett, certified athletic trainer, Bachelor of Science in athletic training.

Anybody can do pilates, and everybody should do Pilates. Those who have problems with high impact exercises due to injuries or musculoskeletal issues should definitely try pilates. – Taheerah Salim, certified instructor via the Physical Mind Institute.

When you begin your foray into pilates, you should expect a bit of a learning curve. You have to access muscles that haven’t been used in a while. It can be frustrating but definitely, stick with it. – Taheerah Salim, certified instructor via the Physical Mind Institute.

Yes! Pilates will teach people how to move more efficiently in order to avoid injuries. Pilates really is about bringing the body back to balance. – Taheerah Salim, certified instructor via the Physical Mind Institute.

Pilates is the kind of work that requires a mind & body connection. You will find new and wonderful things about your body and figure out where you are in space. This new-found body awareness will help with muscle tone, core strength, graceful aging, and increased flexibility. It is life-changing and addictive! – Taheerah Salim, Certified instructor via the Physical Mind Institute. – Taheerah Salim, certified instructor via the Physical Mind Institute.

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