Fashion in the Square 2019
I was so excited when a friend reached out and asked me if I’d emcee Fashion in the Square in 2019. I was there for the first year and learned so much from the incredible team working to put on the event, and I knew this year would be even better. When I arrived a little before 9:00 am the team was hard at it. As the crew pieced together the runway, organizers checked in clothing and models, all while VIP tables were assembled along with audience seating. The team clearly wanted every person participating and attending to feel special. It was beautiful outside.
The crisp air, along with the deep Fall colors, only enhanced the excitement in the air. Utica Square is always beautiful, but I love it during fall and winter, along with the holiday season hustle and bustle. The event gets everyone excited about what’s coming up.
My friends at White House Black Market in Utica loaned me a fun outfit complete with a coat trimmed in fur.
I loved it so much I ended up buying it and wearing it to a wedding that night. Moody’s loaned me some beautiful diamond hoop earrings, a gorgeous ring, and a dazzling bracelet to complete my look. After that, I walked down to Ihloff Salon where I met Taylor, and he kindly touched up my makeup. I wanted a few minutes to go over my script one more time knowing every merchant in Utica choosing to participate had worked hard to get their summaries to organizers, and I wanted to do a good job. DJ Jankins. was already set up and creating an awesome vibe as folks gathered in the square.

Picture courtesy of Ronda Adkisson
Organizers included local fashion bloggers & influencers. They each partnered with different merchants to strut their stuff on the runway and showcase some of the latest fall fashions. I’ve listed them so you can follow them on Instagram. They are super fun, and each brings something different to the fashion world.

Influencer Yvann Karamoko hit the run way and I got to snap a quick pic with him.
Not long ago, I was able to sit down with Lindsey Meek and have loved getting to know Lindsey and the rest of these folks better each year. 2019 also included a few models with four legs.

Picture courtesy Ronda Adkisson
If you didn’t make it this year, don’t worry, you’ll get your chance again next year. Just remember to bring the whole family. It’s a great way to get to know Utica Square a little better and enjoy a day with both new friends and old friends.
Also, be sure and mark your calendar for the 52nd annual celebration of Lights On, November 28th, Thanksgiving Night. The entertainment includes Christmas music from Grady Nichols and his band, Weston Horn, Mary Cogan, Denise Hoey and 14-year-old Anabel White. And of course, before the night is over, Santa will appear and turn on the lights at Utica Squar3e. It’s a time-honored tradition you don’t want to miss.
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