My daughter and I were in the grocery store when I asked, “It’s so cold outside is there anything you’re craving that I can bake tonight?” She quickly came up with chocolate chip cookies. So, I headed down the baking aisle and grabbed some nestle toll house chocolate chips. The best part about baking for me is the kids still like to come in the kitchen and hang out while I get it done. It’s so fun to listen to their stories and laugh
while I attempt to make them a little something sweet to enjoy after dinner. My 14-year-old will even put her phone down for a while. LOL. I love it too because she catches me up on her life. Little man, he’s 11-years old, will come in and ask to help me, breaking him away from the world of legos and superheroes just long enough to scout out what cookie he wants while telling me what he wants to be when he grows up. It makes for great family time.
I’ll usually use the big mixer for everything in the recipe, then stir in the chocolate chips by hand.
I use their recipe, which is listed verbatim below, except I add in another 1/2 pkg of NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels
I like to chill my spoon and sometimes I’ll even chill the cookie dough to make it easier to roll and place on a cookie sheet. I like to bake about half of them so they are a little less done or moist and half of them a little more done. It’s fun because you end up with a variation of texture and flavor in each batch.
It is also nice because not everybody likes their cookies made the same way, so this offers a little variety for the taste buds.
If the kiddos or hubby have stepped out or aren’t around until the last batch comes out of the oven, they usually start coming back in to see if they can taste test for me. You know, always there offering to help. I love it.
This time I also used my Pampered Chef brownie baking pan and made some individual, what I call, deep-dish chocolate chip cookies. For these you just kind of have to pull them out after about nine minutes check them with a toothpick and then bake them a little longer as needed. I let them cool a few minutes before I take them out and place them on a cooling rack. My husband loves to put them in a bowl with some ice cream on them.
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