
Month of Love Day 9


Today was so fun. I look forward to Saturday mornings because I get to spend some quality time with the kids. We make breakfast/brunch or we go out for breakfast/brunch. It gives us time with [...]

Month of Love Day 92019-02-10T06:10:10+00:00

Month of Love Day 8


I knew this day would have to be a day of rest. If you can call it that. Fell asleep Thursday night about 2:30 am then got up about 6:00 am to make some appointments. [...]

Month of Love Day 82019-02-10T06:12:12+00:00

Month of Love Day 7


Cardio Complete 5 rounds: 20 Kettlebell Swings 30 Around the World 20 Kettlebell Swings 30 Figure 8’s Every Minute on the Minute complete: 10 Kettlebell High Pulls 5 Goblet Squats 5 Around [...]

Month of Love Day 72019-02-08T15:07:10+00:00

Month of Love Day 5


Today was awesome. Got up headed to the gym and enjoyed a great cardio warm up then, then trained with my girls. It was a good workout with weights, but it also got [...]

Month of Love Day 52019-02-10T06:26:10+00:00
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