My friend Sarah called me a few months before her next business trip. She is one of those people I adore because she is beautiful in every way. Fun, strong, smart and all around amazing. When she suggested I meet her on a business trip to Scottsdale Arizona I jumped at the chance to catch up with her and enjoy a new adventure. A friend I’d known since high school lived in Phone4ix and recommended we check out Camelback Mountain. It wasn’t too far from our hotel so we were both all in!

We found a bagel shop, grabbed a quick bite to eat and then waited on our Ube. The driver dropped us off at the bottom of our hike. We’d been advised not to try and part on site and that was great advice. As you can see from my heart monitor it was about 10:55 when we started and it was a great workout.

We took our time and really enjoyed the views. It wasn’t too crowded but there were a fair amount of people on the trail so if you are wanting alone time outdoors this might not be your spot. We ran into people of all ages and enjoyed watching everyone reach their goals. We took out time and had some great sister chat time and bonding on the mountain. It’s beautiful. The very top was more like ‘bouldering’ but not on an extreme level. If you plan to take this trip, check the weather because the temperatures can get dangerously hot. Remember you’ll need water, water, water.  Once we reached the very top people were sitting on rocks taking in the view and taking a lot of pictures. It was a neat experience and one I won’t forget. You bond with the others on the trail and everyone seems to encourage each other.

Sarah and I caught up and got in a great workout all while accomplishing a first. Neither one of us had ever done Camelback before. Now we have a trip full of memories including a beautiful one day hike that only cost us an Uber ride, a quick lunch, and water.