• Most of my life I’ve been an athlete. I’ve played some type of sport or worked toward some fitness goal.  Like many others, my weight and size will often go up and down depending on my ability to stay consistent. You can tell when I’ve allowed work or something else to take over and I’ve put me on the back burner. But Vacation training for me has been good. I think I just like to have a goal and this for me is a great one. I’ve learned to focus on how I feel and listen to my body.

I have worked so hard this summer getting healthy and to a place where I feel good.  I had a vacation coming up with my husband and I wanted to enjoy being on the beach, which for me means being healthy. I focused on building muscle and losing body fat. I wan’s t focused on my weight. It was a great lesson a lot of fun. The workouts before during and after have been such a challenge they keep me going without getting bored.

When we got to Cancun I had a swimsuit for every day… and let me just say I felt better than ever because I felt so healthy. Eating better I notice I was less sluggish and even seemed to be happier as a whole.

When we returned from Mexico, I decided I wanted to keep going. So now I’m trying to stay in shape, not break the bank, and not lose focus. I know I can’t be the only person out there who wants more out of life and out of myself.

So I keep this picture. I remember feeling healthy, happy, and peaceful and I’ve decided I don’t want to let that go in my life. I want to do the consistent work that allows me to keep that feeling of inner peace. At the same time, I want to learn as much as I can about being healthy and living life to the fullest and embracing memories with the ones I love.

The first challenge for me is not having a goal. I mean for the beach my goal was to be in shape for the summer. Now we have returned and it’s August. I want to stay on course so I’m working on my budget and my mind. I’ve kept up with the gym three to four times a week with a focus on building muscle. Now my food. As I look at the bag of candy on my desk I have to laugh at myself. I’m not going to be perfect every and I don’t want to try because that’s just not realistic. But I can do better and that means not eating out of the vending machine at work… even if those little gummy things look so tasty. Anyway, this is where I am. We shall see how it goes tomorrow and I’ll face me again on these pages. If there is anyone else out there working toward a goal… I say  GO GET EM! I’m going to do the same friends. xoxoxo Remember to love you!