II feel like that the last two weeks my body has been so tired. My husband finally told me one night to go to the Dr. because it sounded like I was getting bronchitis again. It has been a few years but when I get it man does it hang on for a while so we both knew I needed to be seen by a physician.   I actually had someone tell me while I was working that I needed to learn how to cough more quietly. Yeah, talk about embarrassing.  It’s not like I don’t know how to quietly cough. I just can’t right now. Everything in me seems to fight it till I end up in a coughing spell that makes my sides and back throb in pain.  This isn’t the normal allergy cough it’s annoying to me and I’m pretty sure anyone around me. Thankfully hubby isn’t one of those people lol. One of the biggest issues for me… lack of sleep.  I have some other health issues (nothing crazy)I sometimes face that paired with a lack of sleep makes me exhausted.  I’ve been working so hard on my fitness that this setback has been a real downer. Finally,  this afternoon I was able to do 20 minutes of cardio without coughing so hard people were looking at me like something from the movie Contagion.

I tell myself sometimes times to remember the lyrics to an old song, “Life ant’ a track meet it’s a marathon.” Thanks, Ice Cube… lol

I have been telling myself listening to my body is what is most important so that is what I’m trying to do but oh my goodness with just two weeks off I feel like I’ve lost the muscle I’ve been working so hard to gain.  I know I can’t be alone in this fitness journey with setbacks? Uggh. I finished my little cardio session got back to the locker room and took a picture of some of my things on the bench beside me. I kind of smiled to myself and said, “Okay Jones you got this.

Pick up put in your purse and we will hit again tomorrow.” Such a small moment for me with such a big message

I guess sometimes when you want to push your body and you get frustrated because you shouldn’t, so you don’t…. you should remember listening to your body is just as important as pushing your body.  It will get better and so will I. I can’t let this bug me that much there are bigger things. So belt off, inhaler back in my purse and mind focused.